On the 100th anniversary of the 
Freunde der Hamburger Kunsthalle

Dear Freunde, dear Friends, It's your anniversary, and you've made it to One Hundred. Wow! That's only possible when everyone in the organization lends a hand. After all, you are all pursuing the same worthy goal. But what does that have to do with us?

I'm really glad that in your most recently publication, you didn't ask all the members in your organization this question, but only us – Peter Schmidt Group. I think there's no better way to answer this question than in a personal letter – and by relating how our story began.


Because we really have known each other forever. If I had to compare the friendship between a museum promotion association and a design agency with a friendship between two people, I would say we've known each other since our school days. We used to put our heads together during break between classes; we grew up together, and we've achieved a lot in the process.


That's why even our younger employees tell the story of how we met as though they were there to experience it themselves. I personally was in fact in the room where it happened. The year was 1999. Ekkehard Nümann was chairman of the Friends, and he had ambitious plans for the coming decade. For one thing, he wanted a new logo for the organization. But who should design it? At the time, Peter Schmidt had just created a new logo for the city of Hamburg. So why not ask him? Peter Schmidt was immediately on board.


The logo eventually grew into an entire design system that adorned documents, flyers, program booklets, newsletters, business stationery, and the website. The new look was also ideal for attracting attention to even more ambitious projects, such as the inauguration of the Rosa Schapire Art Award one year later.

“Wouldn't you like to design the trophy?” 
What a question!

I can still recall very well how enthusiastic the team was – and how the personality of Rosa Schapire herself inspired us to create extraordinary designs. Unconventional, eye-catching, rebellious – that's how it had to be. And that's how it turned out. We are still very proud of the fact that the appearance of the award not only impressed you, but also the juries of numerous design competitions. We're also proud that Ekkehard Nümann thanks the “Schmidt Group” for the design every time the trophy is presented.

So what's the connection between our agency and Hamburger Kunsthalle? It's you! And each and every idea we have realized together. Those ideas are the result of a friendship in which people inspire each other and trust other. In which creative freedom is valued, and artistic exchange is encouraged. Our colleagues regularly take advantage of your offer to visit exhibitions and take guided tours of Hamburger Kunsthalle.


As do I personally – mostly on my lunch hour. The art and the atmosphere of the museum help clear my head and make room for something new. To say nothing of how much I enjoy the friendliness of the association's office. Cordiality seems to be one of your recruitment criteria.


Of course, this is by no means the entire story of our last 25 years. And the story is not over – we hope to design the logo for your next anniversary, too. As for today, here's a giant Thank You for your friendship – from me and the entire “Schmidt Group.”


See you soon,

Your Norbert Möller

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Executive Creative Director

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